Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the heart of a lush forest, lived a young woman named Elena. She was kind and gentle, with long brown hair that flowed down her back like a river of gold. Her eyes were the color of the sky on a clear summer day, and her smile was as bright as the sun.

One day, while wandering through the forest, Elena met a young man named Jack who came from the city to settle in the village. He was tall and robust, with a ruggedly handsome face and a devilish grin. They immediately felt a spark of attraction between them, but Elena thought to control her feelings due to her village background, but as destiny doesn't wait for our feelings to respond she couldn't stop meeting him and couldn't control her emotions soon they found themselves spending every moment they could together.

She found that true feelings never hide, in spite of the circumstances.They used to go for long walks in the forest, hand in hand, admiring the beauty of nature around them. They used to sit by the river and watch the sunset, talking for hours on end, and sharing their hopes and dreams. 

As the days passed, Elena and Jack's love for each other grew stronger. They knew that they were meant to be together forever. Soon they decide to marry but Elena’s sister daisy who secretly have feelings for jack for a long time doesn't want them to get together. 

In the process of making them separate, she became psychic and decides to kill jack. 

One day when she attempted to kill jack Elena took the bullet, then daisy realized that they love each other so deeply , jack admitted Elena to the hospital and Elena got recovered after a few days, got discharged, and went home. 

Days passed and seeing Elena and jack together daisy thought if I am here I can try again to separate them, but she couldn't stop her feelings for jack shoots herself .seeing her dead body jack and Elena feel very bad performs her last rites.

And with all the enemity ended so, on a warm summer evening, as the stars twinkled in the sky above, Jack got down on one knee and asked Elena to marry him.

With tears of joy in her eyes, Elena said yes. They had a beautiful wedding in the village church, surrounded by family and friends.

Years passed, and Elena and Jack's love for each other never wavered. They had two children and they named them daisy and David and built a beautiful home in the forest. They grew old together, hand in hand, and their love story became a legend in the village, a symbol of true love that would last a lifetime. Even after they passed away, their love lived on, inspiring generations to come to believe in the power of love and to hold onto it tightly, for it is the most precious gift of all.



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